Dark and Stormy

A warm weather cocktail we can really get behind, a good Dark and Stormy is the epitome of thirst quenching. Sweet and spicy from the ginger beer, tart from the lime with a nice kick from the rum and bitters. Named a Dark and Stormy because if you add the rum on top of the ginger beer it will float creating a dark layer (the rum) and a stormy layer (the ginger beer).

Dark and Stormy Recipe by

Prepping time: / Cook time: / Total time: / Servings: 1 drink
  • 2 oz Dark Rum, such as Goslings
  • 4 oz Ginger beer - we like a nice spicy one.
  • 3 Dashes Hella Bitters Ginger Lemon
  • Lime wedge
  • Fill a highball with ice and add ginger beer. Gently top with rum and bitters. Garnish with lime wedge. The layered drink will look theatrical but not be properly mixed - before enjoying squeeze lime wedge over rum, drop into the drink and stir gently with straw (or your finger).
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